20.10.2024 06:07
In Transit
BUFORD, GA, 30519
19.10.2024 05:10
Airline arrived at destination country
18.10.2024 04:13
Departed from [Huizhou city city district city business operational department], next stop [Guangzhou international]
17.10.2024 03:16
Yanwen facility - Outbound
Beijing international mail exchange station, Beijing city
16.10.2024 02:19
Arrival at Destination
Shatian Town
15.10.2024 01:22
[CA] out for delivery
Vashi BPC
14.10.2024 00:25
Flight arrival
Jaipur PH
12.10.2024 23:28
Processing at UPS Facility
Stockholm, STOCKHOLM
11.10.2024 22:31
Delivered, In/At Mailbox
Stockholm, STOCKHOLM
10.10.2024 21:34
Departure from Regional Sorting Center
Dongguan international mail exchange station, Dongguan city
09.10.2024 20:37
Hand over to airline
Shatian Town
08.10.2024 19:40
Package Received
Katolroad S.O (Beat Number:3)
07.10.2024 18:43
Destination Scan
06.10.2024 17:46
Item Delivery Confirmed
CHICAGO, IL, 60634
05.10.2024 16:49
Accepted at USPS Regional Facility
Guangzhou International Mail Processing Center, Guangzhou
04.10.2024 15:52
Returned to the sender. Returned due to being refused by the recipient
MI, DETROIT, 48223
03.10.2024 14:55
Arrived at USPS Regional Facility
02.10.2024 13:58
Arrived at USPS Regional Facility
Tracking numbers examples: